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Priory Integrated College

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The Careers Department is committed to ensuring that pupils at the College receive high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance. We strive to prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they will face throughout their adult working lives.

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 Careers we deliver Education for Employability through careers lessons. This covers careers management, enterprise and entrepreneurship, and work in the local and global economy. In Year 10, pupils are supported through the GCSE/Level 2 subject options process.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 pupils explore career journeys and pathways. In Year 12 pupils are supported in making choices for after GCSEs, this includes looking at 6th Form study in a school environment, Alevel study, apprenticeships, training organisations, and college. Year 12 pupils receive careers support and guidance internally and also through the school Department of Economy Careers Advisor.

Sixth Form

In Year 13 pupils participate in work experience. Work experience provides many benefits giving pupils the skills and experience that allow them to stand out to potential employers and university admissions. Pupils can sign up to the Career Ready mentoring programme.

Pupils explore a range of options for after Sixth Form. Advice and guidance is provided on applying to university, Higher Level Apprenticehsips,
Pupils receive support on UCAS applications for University. Parents and carers are invited to attend an information session on this also.

External Links

Pupils across all Key Stages have experience from external organisations through guests speakers, workshops and site visits.

Useful careers related websites

https://www.ucas.comCareer Ready


Ulster University
https://www.ulster.ac.ukQueens University
https://www.qub.ac.ukBelfast Metropolitan College
https://www.serc.ac.ukSpeakers for Schools
https://www.speakersforschools.orgWork Plus
https://www.workplus.appNI Careers Service