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Priory Integrated College

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Uniform & PE Kit




  • Blazer: College regulation navy with the college crest stitched in. Sixth form
    pupils wear a College regulation green with crest stitched in.
  • Skirt/Trousers:
    College regulation grey skirt with two kick pleats, worn long enough for the hem to sit no higher than 2 inches above the knee
    College regulation grey trousers (not skinny fit).
    These items should be purchased from the list of stockists shown at the bottom of this uniform summary.
  • Blouse/Shirt: White, long sleeves
  • Tie: Regulation school tie (Navy and green stripe with school crest)
  • V-neck pullover or cardigan: College regulation grey with navy and green trim (Optional)
  • Quarter Zip and/or Hoodies: College regulation navy hoodie or Quarter Zip with stitched school crest, which is also part of the Sports uniform and purchased directly from Uniform Store NI, Newtownards.

Sixth form pupils are permitted to wear their Year 12 ‘Leavers’ hoodies in one
of the three school colours: Navy, Bottle Green or Grey or alternatively a
College Regulation Bottle Green fleece with the Priory Crest.
All of these items are to act as a layer underneath the school blazer.

  • Socks: Dark grey
  • College Regulation Gilet: A navy padded regulation Gilet that displays the
    College name and crest. This can be worn as a layer under the blazer.
  • Tights: Black opaque tights in a 30 denier minimum
  • Footwear: Plain black, flat-heeled, leather or leather-look shoes, not boots or
    sandals, trainers, trainer-styles, canvas, fabric or other textile. Shoes should
    have no emblems, flashes or other decorative additions
  • Outerwear: College regulation outdoor jacket or a plain black or navy or grey
    jacket with no contrasting stripes or panels (no hoodies, tracksuit tops or
    sportswear – type jackets)
  • Scarf: College regulation (this item is optional, but no other type of scarf
    is permitted as an alternative)


Pupils have the option to wear a Summer uniform in the third (Summer) term
up to the end of June. All aspects of college’s uniform will remain the same as
for the rest of the year except in relation to the following options:

  • A college regulation navy and white striped summer shirt / blouse, open
    necked and short sleeved worn without the college 2e. The shirt/blouse must
    be worn tucked into the waistband of the trousers/skirt.
  • The college regulation blazer must be worn to and from college, but can be
    stored safely in the school bag or locker during the school day.


It is the college’s policy that pupils are permitted to wear a wrist watch and
one plain ear stud in the lobe of each ear. No other jewellery is permitted. No other facial or bodily piercings are permitted.

Jewellery worn in line with the school policy must be removed for PE and
other sporting activities.


It is the college’s policy that pupils’ hair should be kept neat and tidy. Hair
colour should be naturally occurring. Hair styles that the college considers to be exaggerated or excessive will not be permitted. Long hair should be tied back for all practical work including PE, HE and TD.

Make Up

It is the college’s policy that pupils are not permitted to wear make up, nail
polish or any kind of gel / artificial nails and false eyelashes.


It is illegal to have a tattoo if you are under the age of 18. It is also the
college’s policy that pupils are not permitted to have any visible tattoos.

Badges and Emblems

It is the college’s policy that only badges and emblems associated with
college clubs and achievements can be worn on the uniform by students. Badges and emblems representing charities approved by the college may also be worn. In such instances, they should be attached safely to the lapel of the college blazer.

Coats and Outdoor Wear

Coats and gloves should be removed when in the college building and should
be stored safely, either in pupil’s school bag or locker throughout the college day, unless needed for break /lunchtime outdoor recreation. Whilst college regulation scarves can be worn in the building, in the interests of health and safety, they must be removed for all practical activities.


Our college uniform can be obtained from:

  • Roberts School Wear, 24 Central Avenue, Bangor (Tel: 02891270516)
  • Gowdy’s, 121-131 Woodstock Road, Belfast (Tel: 02890732427)
  • David Crawford, 1 Conway Square, Newtownards (Tel: 02890 481497)
  • Focus Menswear, 114 High Street, Bangor, BT20 5BB ( 02891 271818)
  • Schooldays, 16 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NT (Tel: 02890 471995)
  • High Street, Newtownards, BT23 4JL (Tel: 02891 827717)

You may be entitled to a grant towards the cost of a college uniform. Please
contact the Education Authority directly for further information (Tel:

Additional Items of Uniform for Practical Subjects

Technology and H.E. – this subject requires pupils to wear an apron for
practical work, which can be purchased directly from the college.

Physical Education

Physical Education - On days when pupils have PE timetabled, pupils are
permitted to wear the FULL College’s PE uniform:

  • College regulation navy hoodie and/or Quarter Zip with stitched school crest
  • College regulation navy track bottoms
  • College regulation Navy crew neck t-shirt is a basic essential of the PE sports kit
  • College regulation Navy shorts is a basic essential of the PE sports kit
  • Sports leggings are permitted and should be navy or black and can be worn during PE lessons but NOT to, from and during the school day
  • White Sports socks
  • Trainers worn with the PE uniform must offer sufficient cushioning, support and stability for young feet. We strongly recommend that these are purchased from a recognised sports retailer. High top style fashion trainers are not permitted. 
  • Pupils choosing to wear the full sports kit to school, can wear the College regulation outdoor coat OR a black, grey or navy outdoor coat OR the school blazer. The College regulation navy Gilet is another choice of layer.

The Principal will be the final arbiter on all issues relating to college uniform.
This uniform policy applies to all students for the entirety of the academic
year from the first day of the Autumn Term to the last day of the Summer
Term inclusive.

The uniform policy is reviewed annually by the Board of Governors.